Recipe Nominations for May!

It’s that time of the month again!

Just to review:  We ask for nominations. An executive committee will review the nominations. One simple and one more difficult recipe will be chosen to be featured the following month. Next week, we will ask for volunteers to host said recipes on another post. A host for each recipe will be chosen by random number generator from the list of volunteers.  Once you have hosted, you move to the back of the line to give others the same chance.

Pick something good!

Enter your recipe nomination for May in the comments below. Please include page numbers. Recipe Nominations will close on 4/15/12.

Please leave Recipe Nominations only. This is a NO CHAT post.

51 thoughts on “Recipe Nominations for May!

  1. Savory Brioche Pockets, p. 421
    Tourte Milanese, p. 423

    Cardinal Slice, p. 287 (still tryin’ to get rid of those egg whites in the freezer)
    Espresso Profiteroles, p. 411

  2. Hi. One small question: how many recipe can we nominate? I thought it was 2, but already the previous month I’ve noticed some of us nominating more.
    Is there a rule?
    Thank you

    My nominations (same as April – maybe I’m more lucky :-) )
    1. Cantuccini p.313 (yeah! I found a recipe with no butter at all!) – picture 223
    2. Fruit Focaccia p. 196 – picture p.176

  3. I’m so intrigued by the onion bialys (90) and the Hungarian shortbread (327) would be great, too – my rhubarb plant is going for broke this year.

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