Tuesdays with Dorie is an open group, which means anyone can bake along. We bake with two books – Baking with Julia and Baking Chez Moi.

Here we go:

  • You must own the book.
  • We always post on Tuesday. As long as you post when it is Tuesday for you, you are good to go.
  • We bake two recipes per month. Dates will be posted in advance. You can bake as many or as few times as you like.
  • You don’t have to have a blog to post your baking adventures- you can use IG or social media- but it is helpful. It’s how other people can visit, ogle, and comment on your amazing creations.
  • We’ll put up a nomination post so you can vote on the two recipes that will be baked the next month.***This isn’t so much a rule as a kindly consideration. We ask that you not include the actual recipe on your TWD posts. We would like to promote the publishing industry by encouraging others to go buy the book!

    ****In the event of a month with five Tuesdays, we have the option of a Rewind week. That’s when you can complete a recipe you may have missed.

    Bake on!

    Laurie, Jules, and Steph

    If you need to get ahold of one of us, email at awhiskandaspoonATgmailDOTcom