OSI: Carol of Mix, mix…stir, stir

Today we are going to learn all about Carol.

Carol picked out today’s Perfect Party Cake.

She  and her husband David “develop products that solve common culinary problems for everyday cooks”.

Lets find out more about Carol.


When did you start baking?

It started young. In the 4th grade I used to bring home the Fanny Farmer’s Cook Book from my school library over and over. I would flip through the pages looking for anything I could make from the ingredients we already had in the house and recall making custard, probably because I was able to find sugar, milk, and eggs.

What is your favorite kitchen tool?

The spice containers I designed that will finally be on the market next month. I have a thing for kitchen tools that work really well and the fact that I couldn’t find a good storage solution for spices was so frustrating that I left my career and jumped into this new venture to create my dream storage containers. Building this company while watching the economy crumble; now that’s an entrepreneurial adventure!

My Kitchen Aid mixer is probably used more than any other piece of equipment in my kitchen. My Cuisinart is 22 years old, going strong, and still has 3 years left on the warrantee! For hand tools: 8″ Shun Chef’s knife, Microplane grater, Mario Batali wooden flat end spoon.

Which TWD blog is your favorite?

I enjoy reading as many different blogs as I can to see what this creative and talented group is up to. With that said, there is one that I especially look forward to reading because her clever brevity never ceases to amaze me. Case and point, for her recipe pick she posts a clever limerick, end of story. If you haven’t checked out Tommi at Brown Interior you should.

What has been your favorite TWD recipe so far?

Double Crusted Blueberry Pie. I think I only shared one piece, the rest was my pie!

What TWD recipe has been a dud for you?

Tartest Lemon tart. That just didn’t go well for me.

Which recipe are you dying to make that no one has picked yet?

Chocolate Caramel Chestnut Cake!

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

Paris! Oh, maybe Hong Kong.

If you knew you could try anything and not fail (and money was no object), what would you attempt?

I am doing it by starting TableFare. Now how do I get the “won’t fail” and “money is no object” parts?

If you could have a super power, which one would it be, and why?

Fly. I could get so much more done and it would be a blast.

What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?

Jelly fish and Beef tongue. Not together, that would be gross.

What kitchen tool would you purchase if money were no object?

A wood fired pizza oven.

Give us three adjectives to describe yourself.

Creative, adventurous, inquisitive.

What spice do you use over and over again?

Coriander. I used to hate this flavor as a kid, now I can’t get enough.


8 thoughts on “OSI: Carol of Mix, mix…stir, stir

  1. Your cakes are just beautiful. I am so pleased I have discovered your blog. Just to let you know I love your Perfect Party Cake choice for this week but tried another recipe as I have baked if before.

  2. Your photographs are incredible…I want a bite of each! Good luck on your venture, the spice containers look to be as much a work of art as your culinary and photographic talents.

  3. Coriander is delicious. I also really, really love cumin. It has such a good flavor without being spicy (I love spicy, but my daughter does not.)

    BTW, the spice containers are really cool! Congrats on your new business.

  4. Thanks so much for all the kind words!

    David, my husband, gets all the credit for the photos. I think whenever I’m in the kitchen cooking he’s just waiting for the inevitable, “I need you to take a photo of this.” It’s a better deal for him when he is photo-documenting something he wants to eat, but thankfully he is willing to take pictures of things that contain offenders such as nuts, dried fruit and coffee.

    The spice container project has been a long haul and it’s especially nice to hear positive feedback on them, thank you! We should finally have them available for sale this month!

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