91 thoughts on “LYL: [Tender Shortcakes]

  1. Pingback: TWD – Tender Shortcakes « The Whimsical Cupcake

  2. Hi there,
    My dear friend sent me to the TWD blog when she learned that I had bought the book “From My Home to yours”.

    I actually tried my hands at making the shortcake an hour ago and it was a total failure! The shortcake came out looking good on the outside but the inside was SO not cooked.

    So, in an attempt to redeem back my self confidence, I would like to know what I did wrong.

    Here is my analysis:
    – I had to use regular cream instead of heavy cream (is that it??)
    – i measured out 1.5 cups but it didn’t create a sticky dough at all. Majority of the mix was well… still a mixture of the ingredients
    – I made the dough mount like a ball without flattening it ( I did try with a second batch with it flattened and the inside was also not cooked)

    So, any tips you can offer me would be much appreciated!

    Really really amateur baker

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