Recipe Nominations for March

Okay kids, this is how Recipe Nominations will work:

We ask for nominations. An executive committee will review the nominations. One simple and one more difficult recipe will be chosen to be featured the following month. Then, we will ask for volunteers to host said recipes. A host for each recipe will be chosen by random number generator from the list of volunteers.  Once you have hosted, you move to the back of the line to give others the same chance.

Easy enough, right?

Enter your recipe nomination for March in the comments below. Please include page numbers. Recipe Nominations will close on 2/12/12.

Please leave Recipe Nominations only. This is a NO CHAT post.

Let the games begin!

100 thoughts on “Recipe Nominations for March

  1. I am up for any of the recipes in the book, just wanted to make one observation/comment. Many of us who baked in BFMHTY have had a lot of experience baking/posting/commenting so it might be nice if we started off with recipes that were a little easier to manage for the people who are new to this whole process…sort of a little time for them to get their feet wet, have a chance to make some recipes that we feel will be successful for even the most novice of bakers, before we tackle some of the more complicated ones in this book. Just a thought.

  2. Okay, Laurie, now that you tweeted for someone to go nominate something “bread,” here’s my suggestion: Pebble Bread (page 152). It doesn’t involve anyone’s mixer (so no hassles there and will bring comfort to those who stressed over that), it looks like a lot of fun playing with dough, it’s not hard or difficult (just read one line at a time and do as stated), it’s something different that not a lot of us have made (so will be attractive to the bread bakers in the group), it gives you so many different techniques to try (making a sponge, which is easy and fun and exciting to see it come alive), spreading the process over two days (just a few minutes the first day), dealing with rise times, shaping, baking stovetop (whoa, fun!) and under a broiler (whoa, scary fun), etc. Ingredients fairly easy to find…and if you can’t find barley flour, then you can google a good substitute and learn from that. After it is all finished, you get to figure out what kind of meal you want to make to serve it with…what’s not fun about all that? When you are finished, you will feel like you really did something new and different and exciting and it will be fodder for chatting with your friends who have possibly never done or heard of anything like this, so you look like a baking star with very little effort! Okay, case made…or not. lol Pebble Bread…something to be considered! :-) xo

  3. It will (hopefully) be the last winter month – so how about the Cranberry-Walnut Pumpkin Loaf on p. 108 to use up the last bag of cranberries and can of pumpkin puree lying around…

    • From past experience, one cannot find fresh cranberries or even frozen ones here in spring/summer/early fall…so this is a very good point…and I do have one can of pumpkin puree just staring at me each time I open that pantry door.

    • I second this. I’ve been wanting to make meringe, but just haven’t gotten around to attempting it yet, so it would be another good one for us beginners to build our confidence (and competence). :)

      • I was thinking the Meringue (pg 37) as well.

        We will have all those leftover egg whites after using 8 egg yolks in the Chocolate Truffle Tartlets. So, for those who don’t mind double baking in a weekend we could put those leftover egg whites to good use!

  4. Amaretti, page 320
    fairly easy cookie recipe, but gives practice with some fun techniques, including piping if desired (it’s optional)

    The Cranberry Pumpkin Walnut Loaves were the first recipe I bookmarked when I bought the book, but I think it might be better saved for October, when pumpkin + cranberries seem perfectly seasonal.

  5. The Cheese and Tomato Galette on page 429 looks like what I’d like to eat right now.
    I’m seeing some beautiful strawberries in the stores so how about page 273, French Strawberry Cake.

    • I think this should wait for tomato season. I’ve made these types of things before (even going so far as to confit some tomatoes) and they almost always look better than they are! I do agree, though, that my body is getting hungry for good tomatoes–but it’s too early for the really good ones.

      My sister-in-law and I are avid tomato canners and make unimaginably good green tomato pickles. North Florida/Southwest GA is one of the largest tomato growing regions of the country. Our tomatoes won’t be in until around July 4th.

      • Well, here in AZ I’m picking fresh tomatoes in my back yard and I just returned from doing my marketing and found bins of beautiful, freshly picked tomatoes selling for 5 pounds for $1…went with my daughter who bought bags of tomatoes that will be made into salsa for a big dinner tonight….guess it all depends on where you live.

  6. 1. Irish Soda Bread for St. Patty’s Day (p. 214) – I’ve never made soda bread so this will be a fun challenge for me

    2. French Apple Tart or Baked Yogurt Tart (pp. 379-378)

    In that order.

  7. Irish soda bread, page 214 and meringue cookies, pages 37 and 311 would be great. The soda bread would be related to the month; the meringue is a technique we will use all through this baking journey. It would be good to learn it early.

  8. Definitely Irish Soda Bread (pg. 214) for the holiday!

    Rugelach (pg. 325) This sounded like a good cookie to make this time of year. It uses dried fruits & nuts.

    French Apple Tart (pg. 379)

    Buttermilk Scones (pg. 210)

    Perfect Génoise (pg. 39) I know this is just a plain cake, but the idea of mastering the base recipe before moving onto more complicated cakes using this batter seems like a smart idea to me. Plus, it says you can soak it in syrup and spread jam over it. Sounds good!

    Actually, I think that’s a great idea in general. For instance, the recipe for Brioche on pg. 43 says that the techniques learned in this recipe will help you better understand how to make other breads of this type including the Cranberry Walnut Pumpkin Loaves & the White Loaves.

    (Do the recipes in that first chapter count? I’m not sure if we’re actually baking them.)

  9. It sure looks a little intimidating, but I would love to make the
    Chocolate Ruffle Cake (page 263) &
    Leaf Shaped Fougasse (page 146)

    For the fruit desserts, I hope we are waiting for a while, since right now nothing is really in season over here.

  10. Would it make sense- or be of interest – to consider the next month’s “event/s” in selecting recipes?

    Each month will have a wide variety of religious holidays, and national remembrance days/holidays (ie St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Purim, etc, etc.). In my case, I celebrate Easter, so making an Easter treat in March would allow me to polish off the skills ahead of time for the holiday in early April. When time rolls around, then, I can be confident/more confident that my menu choice will succeed. Or go to “plan B”…

    This is definitely the case with getting comfortable with pie crusts, etc- practice regularly to boost confidences and get the troubleshooting done well before the Thanksgiving preparations.

  11. I would nominate the Perfect Génoise (p 39). I like the Fougasse too (p 146). It seems interesting and you can be very creative in terms of form and flavoring. What is the difference between Fougasse and Focaccia? :)))

  12. I like the Irish Soda Bread (p 214) idea, and I was thinking the same thing about using up the egg whites from our tarts with the Meringue Cookies (p 37 & 311). The whites can be put in a bag or container and frozen until March, too!

  13. I love the idea of making Irish soda bread in March, but please, be easy on my Irish heart and stop calling it St. Patty’s Day – it’s Saint Paddy’s Day! :)

    I also like the idea of the Cranberry Pumpkin Walnut Loaves or the French apple tart, too.

  14. I also think making Irish Soda Bread would be a great March recipe (p. 214)
    I have always wanted to bake rugelach so that is my second choice (p. 325-326)
    Vanilla pound cake is another classic that I have not baked yet (p. 251-252)

  15. I would very much like to try out the bagel recipe p. 87.
    My second nomination would be for the Tourte Milanese p.423


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