P&Q: Low and Lush Chocolate Cheesecake

I have been looking forward to this one for a while.

Can’t wait to hear what you all think!

18 thoughts on “P&Q: Low and Lush Chocolate Cheesecake

  1. Gosh you all..I feel so sick of sweets lately. I think this cheesecake looks like a good one but I seriously don’t want any sweets in my house! I will sit out this one but I will be back!

  2. I can’t miss any more weeks, so I am definitely baking this one! I’m going all out by making a chocolate cookie crust (with teddy grahams instead of graham crackers!) and adding chunks of brownie. I’m going to freeze it and bring it to a New Year’s party. :) My crust is pre-baking in the oven now! So excited for this one.

  3. When I suggested freezing the cake til New Years eve, my family awoke from their collective days long sugar coma and threatened mutiny. So, it’ll probably be a bedtime snack tonight.

    Also, following the recipe, I couldn’t really taste the chocolate over the cheese, so I doubled the amount and now should have the flavour and colour I expected.

    Can’t wait to eat some.

  4. Okay, this was my pick. I liked it. I will make it again. I Tried to visit everyone who made it. If I missed you let me know, so I can come and see what you did.

    • Margaret-Thanks so much for choosing this. My 14-year old daughter baked this as a “guest baker.” I had hoped she would write a brief paragraph about her experience for my blog, but she didn’t want to. I have been swamped so didn’t follow up either. In any case…the cheesecake was made exactly as described in the book and it was GREAT. Thanks again for the choice. My daughter was so thrilled to make her first cheesecake and to have so much success.

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