Happy blogiversary!

I just realized that we posted our first recipe just over a year ago! Seems like it was only yesterday. ;-) Thanks for baking along. I hope you’re enjoying the adventure!

9 thoughts on “Happy blogiversary!

  1. Thank you so much for organizing this and keeping us going! I know it must seem like a thankless job. I started this as a total non-baker and have learned so much already – all the little tips and tricks I’ve picked up from the other bakers. Again, thank you!

  2. yes, thank you so very much for organizing and running this group. I’ve baked my same old recipes year after year, this group gave me a chance to challenge myself and it’s been great.

  3. The traditional anniversary gift for one year is paper. How does that translate to the digital world? Please don’t tell me I have to dig out my fountain pens and start writing all my posts in longhand! Although I’m guessing drawing all my own pictures could only be an improvement over my photography skills.

    Here’s to many great years ahead. Thanks ladies.

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