BCM: Super Fabulous Videos

So, my TWD friends, we have been given a gift.  Thanks to our baker friend, Lisa Siva, we’ve been connected to an amazing baking site with Dorie videos!  We have three videos of recipes we haven’t yet made, and three more of past recipes.  These videos are open and available to us due to the generosity of Panna.  When you’re done looking at the Dorie videos, take a look around and take advantage of their free 30-day trial.  Enjoy!

Dorie’s Birthday

October 24th is Dorie’s birthday! If you would like to make a recipe from any of her books in honor of her birthday, I will put up a LYL post up on October 23rd for those would like to participate.

Get out your cookbooks and find something super fun.  I already know what I am going to bake up. :)