Kindly Reminder…

We ask that you not include the actual recipe on your TWD posts. The host for the week is the only one who should be posting the actual recipe. (If you have changed the recipe considerably, by all means go ahead and post YOUR recipe.) We would like to support the publishing industry by encouraging others to go buy the book.

Bake on!

OSI: Mari from Mevrouw Cupcake

Mari. Mari. Quite. Contrary. tehee.

Our host this week is Mari from Mevrouw Cupcake. Let’s give her a nice round of applause. {golf clap}


1. When did you start baking?
I don’t remember the first cake or cookie I ever made, but I do have a vivid memory of shadowing my mother’s every move in the kitchen as a child. I was always hungry, and my family used to say that “I’m Hungry” was my middle name. I was initially the family pancake maker, no small job for a growing family of seven, and at some point I branched out to doing special cakes for the holidays.

2. Do you have a favorite baking memory?
It’s hard to say, as recently TWD has given me so many great baking memories; but if I think back a bit further, I think my favorite baking memory is my first big cake gig, a three-tiered wedding red velvet wedding cake with raspberry buttercream filling and white chocolate swiss meringue buttercream frosting. It was a rollar-coaster ride of an experience with a very steep learning curve, but I was so proud of my self when it was all over. It really taught me what I was made of.

3. Who is your TWD blog idol?
How to choose out of so many talented bloggers?! As a visually geared person, I’m a big fan of Kim of Scrumptious Photography, Bridget of The Way the Cookie Crumbles, LennyLu of Cafe LennyLu, LyB of And then I do the dishes, Lori of Luscious and Steph of A Whisk & A Spoon. I also have a great appreciation for a good (sarcastic) sense of humor, and Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake and Peabody of Peabody’s Culinary Adventures, never fail to make me laugh.

4. What has been your favorite TWD recipe so far?
So far, it’s been the Gooey Chocolate cakes that really knocked my socks off, although the Brioche Raisin Snails, Granola Grabbers and The Most Extraordinary French Lemon Cream Tart are close runners-up.

5. What recipe are you dying to make that no one has picked yet?
Without a doubt, the Perfect Party Cake and the Berry Surprise Cake

6. What 2 questions would you ask Dorie if you ever met her?
-How she came up with the names for some of her desserts? I think they’re all pretty tongue in cheek and I get the feeling that she has a fine sense of humor.
-When is her next cookbook coming out?

7. Share one food item that best describes the last year of your life. (example: “frozen pizza” because I did a 180-degree turn this year, or “cinnamon roll” because it had lots of twists and turns but overall was pretty sweet)
Upside down pineapple cake, because I’ve had a couple of really lousy things happen this year, like getting my wallet stolen and dislocating my knee (the kinda things that turn your world upside down), but on the flipside I’ve gotten more and more serious about baking this year, have gotten quite a few cake gigs via my blog and I’ve been generally content and happy (that’s the gooey sweet caramelized pineapple part).

8. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and your personality?
My kitchen aid stand mixer Thelma, she’s bright (Empire Red), loud, and built like a brick s*#t house!

9. What’s your favorite band or CD of all time?
My favorite CD of all time, which is not really specific of my genre breaking taste in music is Sade’s Promise (1995). I’ve been listening to it since I was 11, or thereabouts and it’s never gotten old, if anything only more relevant and more beautiful.

10. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
On an island in the South Pacific.

11. Complete the statement “I recommend…” (it can be a show, movie, book, restaurant, website, activity, etc.)
TV: Pushing Dasies — it’s just so romantic and Anna Friel’s outfits are to die for, if you are into 50s/retro fashion (and I am).
Book: The Handmaid’s Tale — Ms Atwood has seen the feature and it’s bleak, particularly interesting in light of the current political and social-economical climate.
Restaurant: Issa — my favorite Japenese restaurant in Amsterdam, where my boyfriend and I even with our very differing tastes in food, both leave totally happy. Their Japanese pancake is to die for!
Website: Go Fug Yourself: Because Fugly is the New Pretty, it’s a celebrity fashion website that focuses on the fashion faux pas of the stars. Scatching, sarcastic and good for a laugh.

12.If you knew could you try anything and not fail (and money was no object), what dream would you attempt?
I’d open a bed and breakfast in France or Spain.

13. What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
Like Peter Parker’s uncle said, with great power comes great responsibility, and I don’t think I’d want the responsibilty that would go with any super-power.

14. If you had 1 hour of free time, no distractions, what would you do?
Take a bath and give my self a mani-pedi.

15. What is the meal and dessert you would choose as your very last?
Homemade Caesar salad with a nice medium rare Filet Mignon, half a lobster with drawn butter, and Dorie’s mixed berry cobbler with David’s French-style vanilla ice cream.

16. What is the “strangest” food you ever ate?
Nothing really stands out, although I have eaten both tripe and bull’s balls, which were more gross then strange.

17. What are three adjectives that describe you?

18. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I have really good people skills and I’m a pretty good judge of character, which helps a lot in this crazy world.

19. Have you ever met a famous person? who?
I met Usher while catering a photo shoot in Chicago, which thrilled my younger sisters to bits, especially as he signed autographs for them. I also met Rutger Hauer, when he visited the computer games company I worked for, which thrilled me to bits, as I’m a total sci-fi fan and think that Blade Runner was the all-time best sci-fi movie EVER.

20. What’s your favorite spice?
Vanilla, hands down, nuff said.

21. Do you speak another language? (If yes, say something and translate)
Ik spreek nederlands wat best handig is sinds ik al 10 jaar in Nederland woon (I speak Dutch, which is handy as I’ve lived in the Netherlands for the last 10 years).

22. Do you have any pets? (List what kind of pet, names etc)
Nope, no pets.

23. Are you a ‘morning’ or ‘night’ person?
I’m a late night and early morning person, ideally I’d like to sleep from 11 am to 7 pm.

24. What was the last book you read?
It’s been so long since I finished a book (deep shame), I can’t really remember. I’ve been in a bit of book funk, as of late, you know when you haven’t found that book that keeps you reading? I’m looking forward to the fall and winter months with the hope that there will be some good reads in my future.

25. “2 Truths And a Lie” – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life, 2 of them true, 1 false, and let the group guess which one isn’t true.
-I was home schooled up until I was 13 years old.
-Before moving to the Netherlands for work, I traveled for six months through most of Europe.
-I’ve worked as an artist’s model, a shoe salesgirl, and a pantry chef.

New Members

Expect new members to come out of the woodwork this month. Last chance to join the cool kids club. ;)

Please welcome our newest round of Bakers!

Kristina of About a Bit of Everything

Jill of nokoikonomia

Paula of The Passionate Caterer

Amanda of Amanda’s Cookin’

Leslie of Lethally Delicious

Jules of cookinginengland

Lael of One Hungry Soul

Tami of Tami’s Kitchen Table Talk

Lisa of sopwith59

Allison of fridgg

Cherie of Corner Lot Creations

Big News

After months and months of debating on what to do about the increasing number of new members, its been decided that capping the group is necessary. When I started TWD, I thought I would be lucky to get 1 or 2 people to play along. Imagine my shock when we quickly grew from 1 to 3 to 30 and on and on. We are on the brink of 300 members now. The amount of time spent on administration to keep TWD running smoothly has been the biggest shock for me. It takes hours and hours of time to maintain TWD. Instead of reading blogs and being able to comment on them, my time is spent replying to new members, current members and updating the blog. In order to get back to enjoying TWD the way I want to, I need to limit the amount of time that is spent on up-keep, hence, capping the group.

Here is the skinny. Anyone may join TWD until October 31, 2008. We will take any and all new members until that date. (You still have to agree to the rules, etc..) After October 31, we will no longer accept new members. If you know someone who has been on the fence, now is the time to encourage them to jump on board.

I realize that many of you may not agree with this decision. But, the decision has been made.

Recipes for October

I love this coming months recipes! I think it has the variety we have all been craving…

For October 7th, Tammy of Wee Treats by Tammy has chosen,

Caramel-Peanut-Topped Brownie Cake on pages 264 and 265.

For October 14th, Gretchen of Canela & Comino chose,

Lenox Almond Biscotti on page 141-143.

For October 21st, Kelly of Sounding My Barbaric Gulp chose,

Pumpkin Muffins on page 13.

For October 28th, Clara of I Heart Food4Thought has chosen,

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes* on pages 215-217.

*Clara mentioned that it might be fun to decorate your cupcakes for Halloween. ;)

New Members

Here is a freshly baked batch of New Members, please welcome them!

Natalia of gatti fili e farina

Dee of choos and chews

Katrina of Baking and Boys

Natalie of Oven Love

Joanne of As I Eat and Breathe

Lynne of Honey Muffin’s Weblog

Sarah of Have Shoes, Will Run

Katie of Not Just Your Average Girl

Renee of A Taste of Life

Donna of Life’s Too Short Not to Eat Dessert First

Rachel of Ray-Ray Says

Gary of Sweet Boy

Charity of Sweet Charity Pie

Audra of the Spaz-o-matic 5000

Jasmine of Jasmine Cuisine

Erin of Gluten Free with a Purpose

Sabrina of Superfluous

Qataria of Desert Sweet Dessert

Hannah of sweet cupcake torture

Lisa of Life Is In The Chaos

Melissa of Baking a Sweet Life

Joanna of Joanna’s World

Gina of Buenos Aires Style

Rhiani of Chocoholic Anonymous

Whitney of Whitney in Chicago

Natalie of What’s for Supper?

Rachel of sweet tarte

Jessica of mango missives

If you had emailed me and do not see your name, please leave a comment or email me again at tuesdayswithdorie AT

Alternate for September 30

I am going to give the option of doing an alternate recipe in lieu of the Creme Brulee.  I personally do not own a butane torch, and I think its iffy putting it under the broiler. So, if you do not own a torch and would rather do a “rewind”, feel free. Check out the completed TWD recipes and pick one that you have not completed. If you are brave and want to try the broiler instructions, may the force be with you.

Bake on!


OSI: Michelle from Bake-En

Meet Michelle from Bake-En hosting the Dimply Plum cake this week. Enjoy the read!


1. When did you start baking?
Funny because I know the exact age, at seven-years-old. When I was super young I would always bother my mom to let me bake, and she would say “you have to wait until your seven.” I bet you can guess what I did on my seventh birthday :)

2. Do you have a favorite baking memory?
Helping my mom make gingerbread men for the annual christmas fair my catholic school had. She would make over 20 dozen every year! Lots of dough, frosting and fun decorating.

3. Who is your TWD blog idol?
Every week I’m inspired by someone new.

4. What has been your favorite TWD recipe so far?
I loved the Snickery Squares. Also, we haven’t made it yet on TWD, but I love the perfect party cake recipe.

5. What recipe are you dying to make that no one has picked yet?
Cottage Cheese Pufflets

6. What 2 questions would you ask Dorie if you ever met her?
How did you create such an amazing lifestyle for yourself (living in the US and Paris and baking all the time)? What culinary professional do you feel you’ve learned the most from?

7. Share one food item that best describes the last year of your life. (example: “frozen pizza” because I did a 180-degree turn this year, or “cinnamon roll” because it had lots of twists and turns but overall was pretty sweet).
I would say a good loaf of bread. We started off with a cross country move this past year. We had very little money (and household items), but after a lot of work (kneeding) and time (proofing) and the summer to get us out of our winter blues (heat); we have a very nice full life :)

8. What one item in the kitchen best describes you and your personality?
My kitchenaid. It’s a workhorse, and I am too.

9. What’s your favorite band or CD of all time?
I love Pearl Jam and anything Eddie Vedder releases.

10. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
I would live in Paris. Everything about Parisian culture appeals to me. Also, I think of Paris as a hub to the rest of Europe, so it would make traveling to other amazing European cities easy.

11. Complete the statement “I recommend…” (it can be a show, movie, book, restaurant, website, activity, etc.)
I recommend watching 30 Rock if you need a good laugh.

12. If you knew could you try anything and not fail (and money was no object), what dream would you attempt?
I would travel the globe with Joe. I would bake with the best bakers and he would work with the best wine makers. Once home (wherever that ends up) we would apply what we’ve learned and open my bakery and Joe would have a winery.

13. What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
I wish unlimited energy was a super power because I could use that after all the 15 hour days I put in at the bakery :)

14. If you had 1 hour of free time, no distractions, what would you do?
Go to a bookstore.

15. What is the meal and dessert you would choose as your very last?
Joe’s pasta sauce, a very good bottle of wine and a chocolate cupcake filled with a peanut butter mouse and topped with a chocolate ganache.

16. What is the “strangest” food you ever ate?
Ostrich egg (see my post), and Llama.

17. What are three adjectives that describe you?
Determined, hard-working and funny (at least I think so :)

18. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My drive. I work very hard to accomplish my goals.

19. Have you ever met a famous person? who?
Yes, I’ve met Nick Malgieri (cookbook writer), Harold McGee, Alice Waters, Patricia Wells. I worked for Thomas Keller at Bouchon Bakery. I also met Henry Winkler (the Fonz) once :)

20. What’s your favorite spice?

21. Do you speak another language? (If yes, say something and translate)
Je parle francais. I speak french (just a little though).

22. Do you have any pets? (List what kind of pet, names etc)
I wish. I want a dog, but my work schedule doesn’t allow it right now.

23. Are you a ‘morning’ or ‘night’ person?
Getting up at 3:30 AM, you have to be a morning person :)

24. What was the last book you read?
Basketball Diaries. Right now I’m reading the Troubadours Song, it’s kind of boring, but that’s good because it helps put me to sleep.

25. “2 Truths And a Lie” – Share 3 unique things about yourself and your life, 2 of them true, 1 false, and let the group guess which one isn’t true.

1. I eat peanut butter by the spoonful from the jar.
2. I once worked as a dishwasher at a convent.
3. I edit cookbooks in my spare time.


PS. Claudia, I never got your OSI from last week. Please email me if you want to be featured and I’ll do an OSI:Rewind for you.