There is a little jumping up and down going on around the cookie baking world.  Dorie’s new cookbook is coming out tomorrow!  Woo hoo!

Since BWJ is now over (boo, and wow! so impressed with everyone who stuck with it!), the timing is perfect for starting Dorie’s Cookies.

We’ll keep the same baking schedule – BCM will post on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, and DC will post on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.  If there is a fifth Tuesday, that will be a rewind week.

We’re looking forward to the next adventure with you all!

Bake on!

Laurie, Steph, and Jules

Some awesome news from Dorie

Hi baking friends!  Dorie has decided that one of the paths to a peaceful world is by baking, and then sharing that baking.  We can’t agree more.  So we’re joining her in her baking revolution.  She’s calling it “Cookies and Kindness.”  Perfect.

Each month, we’ll post a recipe from her new book.  (We’ll be getting a sneak peek at her new book (YAY!) starting this month)  Though, of course, you can bake any recipe you’d like.  The recipe is for Two Bite One Chip Cookies.  Along with the recipe, you’ll find instructions for tagging and spreading the word.

2-Bite 1 Chip Cookies3750.jpeg

Bake, share, repeat.  Who knows how many people we can get to smile!


Looking Forward

As we wind down on Baking, I am starting to look forward to the new book. We will be tackling Baking with Julia next. I hope you are all as excited as I am to begin a new book!

In starting a new book, I wanted to get feedback from you all about what you’d like the new club to look like. Would you like a new format? Would you like it to be similar to how FFWD is running? Would any of you like to be more involved?

Please give me your 2 cents. I value all of your opinions. Leave your feedback in comments, or email me. :)

xo Laurie

TWD: The New Book

Here we go folks… Dorie’s new book, Around My French Table, is right around the corner.  If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, go do that now. Right now..

Okay, with that done, let’s continue. I started thinking today about a TWD spin-off for the new book. TWD: The New Book… TWD: AMFT… TWD: The Legend Continues, etc…

I have briefly discussed a spin-off with Dorie and she has so graciously given us her blessing. Woohoo! I love her so.

The sequel is just in the beginning stages. A lot of decisions will need to be made. I have learned a thing or 2 about running a group in the past 2 years. The most important thing I have learned is, it is hard to go it alone. (To all my former helpers of TWD, I thank you, and to the last lady standing, CB, I heart you.) Therefore, I am asking for help. Anyone interested in being staff for the new group, comment on this post.

Much love my baking army, let the saga continue,


The verdict is in…

In an overwhelming outpouring of opinion, it is clear you the people of TWD think that the ‘host of the week’ needs to be an active participant. They have to follow the rules to have the honor of hosting. So, moving forward, anyone who has not done their share, 2 weeks per month, will not be able to host. Now, now, before you twist your face all up, if you need time off, which we all do from time to time because of life, EMAIL me. Its that simple. If you are unable to keep up because you are moving, you had a baby, are getting married, are very ill or your dog died, EMAIL ME! tuesdayswith dorie AT gmail DOT com.

Okay, with that settled, Ive made another semi-big decision. Tuesdays with Dorie is now a closed group. We will no longer be accepting new members while baking through Baking From My Home to Yours. In all honesty, the group has gotten too big for me. The members who have been here since the beginning and know the story, know this group happened on accident. It was not some plan I hatched in the dark of night. While it has been a wonderful thing, and it is a wonderful thing, I dont know a lot of the members and that bothers me. Is it my fault? Most certainly. I simply do not have the time to scroll over 300+ blogs a week. I can barely visit my friends blogs and rarely comment on their awesome posts. We will open the group up again when/if we start another book with TWD. And I know we will. :)

Lastly, thank you for always giving me your honest opinions. I am doing my best to do what the masses want with the group.  I think we are on the right track. More thanks for your support of me. It has been a rough 9 months in the Woodward household, but I think we too are on the right track. xo

Now go ahead, comments, questions, complaints… start now..

Thinking about our 2nd Anniversary…

I’ve been thinking ahead to Tuesdays with Dorie’s 2nd Anniversary, which will be on January 1, 2010. Last year, Dorie herself was kind enough to pick a recipe and play host in honor of our 1st anniversary. This year, I’d like for us all to celebrate. So, with that in mind, for the week of January 5, 2010 we will all vote on a recipe to make. I would like it to be something for a special occasion. Ladies and gentlemen, take out your books and pick a recipe that you’d like to bake in honor of TWD’s 2nd Anniversary. Leave a comment on this post. We will narrow them down at the beginning of December and then vote again.

Lastly, I am not sure I say it enough, thank you for baking along with me every week. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would still be doing this 2 years, let alone, that hundreds of people would be doing it with me. I know I do not comment on your blogs as much as I should either, but, I enjoy each and every one. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Much love,


Tuesdays with Dorie Logo Contest

Calling all graphic artsy, creative minded people!!!

TWD is holding its first logo contest.  Its spring, and Im ready for something new. Logo will be used as a header and avatar on the blog and anything else TWD may do in the future. T-Shirts sure would be nice…

Contest rules:

  • Anyone may participate. You do not need to be a member! :)
  • Logo must include either Tuesdays with Dorie or TWD.
  • Please send entries to tuesdayswithdorie AT
  • All entries are due by midnight EST on May 15th.

and drumroll….. The winner will have the honor of picking the weekly recipe for June 2nd.

Come on now, don’t we all want the ability to choose a recipe?!? I know, I do. Oh wait, I probably don’t count. ;)

Bake on! xo~ laurie

TWD Gone Twittering

Hello fellow TWD bakers!

Long time no post from me huh? Work is just kicking my bum!

Just wanted to pop on and tell everyone that TWD has a twitter account. You can see the feed on the sidebar ——–>

Laurie (our fearless leader) and myself will be occasionally twittering. (We will be checking with Dorie to see if she may want to twitter some too, no promises…) If you have a twitter account, please add @TuesdaysWDorie to see our updates. Feel free to leave us tweets with your comments, questions, suggestions and we’ll tweet back at ya as soon as we can.

Happy Sunday bakers!

UDPATED: Just heard back from Dorie (@doriegreenspan) about our TWD twitter group. “I’m in! ~Dorie” Isn’t she the coolest??

Recipes to start the New Year- Updated

Can you believe TWD will turn one?!? I am still in shock that a passing thought and post on New Years Day 2008 lead to an army of bakers. Its stunning! I want to thank each and every one of you for making this year the best baking year I have ever had! (However, my thighs are cursing each and every one of you, too.)

Okay, so here we go.. The recipes to start 2009 are:

January 6, 2009– Chosen by the author herself… Dorie Greenspan has chosen the French Pear Tart on pages 368 and 369.  Special thanks to Dorie for taking her time to join in on the fun. Not only did she give us this amazing cookbook, but she has so graciously answered all my questions in the past year. I cannot thank her enough for her kindness.

January 13, 2009– Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake chose Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins on page 6.

January 20, 2009– Mary Ann of  Meet Me in the Kitchen chose Berry Surprise Cake on pages 273-275.

January 27, 2009–  Heather of Sherry Trifle chose Fresh Ginger and Chocolate Gingerbread on page 212.

Also, I have had numerous requests to join since we closed the group. I am going to open the group to new members from today till January 1st, in honor of our 1 year anniversary. If you would like to join TWD, please email me at tuesdayswithdorie AT by January 1st.

Thank you! May you all have the very merriest of Holidays.

Much love,
